Reset your body.
Reset your LIFE.
Eat the way nature intended.


WILDFIT revolves around a direct focus on creating and sustaining a lifestyle that best suits you and your future. It’s a program designed to not shame you for your choices, but rather educate you to a point where you’ll never lose sight of your health and wellness again, and as a result develop an entirely new relationship with food.

What is WILDFIT?


WILDFIT 90 is a transformative health program that teaches you how to permanently change how you think about food, and what you eat.

This is a food methodology that works for people who want to release weight, gain or maintain weight, athletes seeking peak performance, or really, anyone who wants to live longer and with greater vitality.

This 90 day experience will teach you how to train your brain to stop wanting foods that aren’t good for you, and to start wanting foods that truly nourish and energize you.

You’ll walk away having learned:

✓How to work with the 6 Human Hungers so you can interpret cravings correctly (because your body doesn’t actually want an entire pint of ice cream!)

✓How to eat in alignment with the 4 natural food seasons for humans

✓ Exactly which foods tell the body to go into Spring (the fat-burning season)

✓ Proven mindset & behavioral techniques to make sure that you NEVER feel powerless to food again

✓  How to access your intuition (instead of willpower) to guide your food choices, and much more.

✓  Why working with a Coach as both your educator and accountability partner is so key to maintaining your transformation.

Get Started NOW

Get your free ebook


9 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

This ebook is meant to empower you with the information you need to stay healthy. It will give you tips and tricks you can implement now and some ideas to make health fun!

Meet WILDFITÂŽ Founder, Eric Edmeades

Eric Edmeades spent the earlier part of his life struggling with constant sinus and throat infections, excess weight, acne and chronic fatigue.

His doctors believed that surgically removing his tonsils was the solution, but on a whim, Eric decided to experiment with changing his diet. Within 30 days, all of his symptoms disappeared, so the surgery was cancelled.
You know those people who get an idea and become obsessed with it? Eric is one of those people. He became fascinated by food’s role in achieving true health. He wanted to understand why simple dietary changes healed his body - especially when western medicine had spent years telling him that cutting out a part of his body was the only solution.
His research took him to live with bushmen in Africa, where he studied their eating patterns. He waded through stacks of nutritional data and functional anthropology research. He devoted years of his life to analyzing and testing his theories and WILDFITÂŽ is the culmination of it all.

WILDFITÂŽ Testimonials

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Discover Some WILDFIT Benefits

WILDFIT 90 Snapshot


Week 1: Foundations & Emotional Eating

We start at the beginning: shifting your food mindset and eating behaviors. Week one teaches you why you crave certain foods and hate others. If you’re an emotional eater, yo-yo dieter, or sugarholic you’ll gain huge insights here.


Week 2 – 3: Sugar Transition – Part 1

These two weeks are about releasing your dependency on processed sugars. If you’ve been helpless to your sweet tooth, weeks two and three will have those cravings fading fast.


Week 4 – 5: Learning to LOVE The Good Stuff

During these two weeks, you’ll train your body to love eating only whole, unprocessed foods. WILDFIT is not about shocking your system, which is why every enhancement is gently layered on top of the other. This means you’ll be prepared and ready for each change. This is also when most participants notice that their mood and energy are so significantly improved that they don’t need to rely on caffeine or alcohol like they once did.


Week 6 – 10: Spring

Based on the WILDFIT philosophy of seasons, Spring is when most participants notice their body weight stabilizing. Whether your goal is to gain, release, or maintain your weight, these weeks will guide you to your natural equilibrium.


Week 11: Ease Out of Spring

The WILDFIT methodology is so revolutionary partly because it doesn’t ask you to limit your body to only one way of eating. Our bodies want ebb and flow. This week, you’ll ease out of Deep Spring before…


Week 12: Back into Spring

This week, you’ll transition back into Deep Spring, where your body will be prompted to cleanse and repeat the weight-stabilizing process again.


Week 13: Living WILDFIT

This week, you’ll take the reins 100%. You’ll decide which season you want to move forward with, and how to continue making food decisions that are empowering and never restrictive.

Frequently Asked Questions